- Officer Development Program - Wilayah Rekrutmen Palembang
- Officer Development Program - Wilayah Rekrutmen Semarang
- Officer Development Program - Wilayah Rekrutmen Surabaya
- Officer Development Program - Wilayah Rekrutmen Jakarta
- Indonesian Citizens
- Male and Female
- Not married and willing to not get married during the program
- Maximum Age 26 (not yet 27th in the current recruitment year)
- from reputable universities
- GPA minimum of 3.00 of 4.00
- Preferably major from economics, law, computer science
- Engineering, pshycology and statistics
- Proportional and good looking
Jika Anda Memiliki Kualifikasi Diatas, Kirimkan CV dan Lamaran Anda Secara Online
Deadline 3 Juni 2018
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